We’ve all been there. Just sitting and waiting for a plane to take off. Hearing but paying no attention what so ever as the flight attendants mime the safety lectures, even though it could mean life or death in the event of a crash. So there I sat safely buckled in fidgeting in anticipation of take off when I was struck by a universal 2 x 4 by something the flight attendant had just said.
She was demonstrating how to use the oxygen mask the automatically deploy should the cabin lose pressure. After demonstrating how to properly put the mask onto you face and secure it the last statement resonated with me. “Please be sure to secure your own mask before attempting to help others.” Now there is a statement that should be in life lesson 101. So for the next 2 hours my mind was blur thinking about how so many times I have attempted to help someone else even while perhaps ignoring my own signals as to what was good for me.
So I made a resolution there and then that in 2011 I would become much more cognizant of how I felt and what I thought as opposed to putting so many others feelings and thoughts ahead of mine. Now I know you are thinking “geez what a self centered jackass”, but I am afraid that we have all been taught bad lessons from perhaps well meaning people. Our parents are the first to express how important others feeling are to us. Then our school teachers continue the process and it just goes on and on till suddenly you wake up at 48 years of age and have a huge BFO (Blinding Flash of the Obvious). There is nothing wrong with being centered in self. The distinction is perhaps a matter of semantics, but I have to be centered in self and balanced in life, before I can even hope to help someone else. No more saying yes to things that you really don’t want to do just because a friend, lover, parent, sibling or whoever wants you to.
Someone once said to me the “no” was a complete statement. No thank you is a polite statement, but when someone wants something you are not willing to provide then my friends “no” is a complete statement. No explanations needed. Do not say no and then start adding words like because, or maybe. If you truly do not wish to participate in something end the discussion by firmly and politely saying the word no. End of discussion and move on.
Ladies and gentlemen in the case of emergency oxygen mask will be deploy from the overhead bin…please be sure to secure you own mask before helping others.
Live, Love, and Laugh long and often.
DmR 1/5/2011